Perth Amboy, Gran feria de la Salud, June, 26


dacanji, yard sign 2016 #1

1-888-277-288, 732-277-9640, Dr.Restituyo,

A simple Screening  at the Health Fair…Could Save your life.

Dominican American Communitarian Association Inc NJ.




Press Release.


Contact: 1-888-277-1288,  732-277-9640       E-Fax 732-725-0868.Dr.Restituyo.

XV Annual Health Fair   Program ” Decide to be Healthy” ,Sunday, June, 26, 2016. Time:  8am-3pm.

Health Fair with a Purpose…..


Free  Medical Screenings, counseling Diverse, workshops, kid’s activities, Live Music,  Arts& Crafts, Prizes.  and more


Dominican American Communitarian  Association ,  [Dacanji],  & Asociacion Hispana de profesionales de la slaud, Inc NY, [AHPSI],  invitan   a la  XV  Feria annual de la Salud , “Decida ser Saludable”, a celebrarse en Perth Amboy New Jersey, el Domingo 26 de Junio del 2016.Lugar: Dr.Herbert Richardson Elementary School, 318 Stockton St.Perth Amboy, New Jersey.  Gratis,   Abierto al publico.

Sea parte de este gran  evento el cual ha atendido mas de 22,000 Pacientes.

Hemos  realizado  mas de    90,000 Pruebas medicas.

Comparta  con mas de 1,500  asistentes a este evento.

Gran Oportunidad para ofrecer servicios  preventivos de salud .

Gran oportunidad para  promover fundaciones, organizaciones, comunitarias, la cuales trabajan con salud, Tambien es una  gran oportunidad para ser auspiciador, y dar a conocer sus productos… recuerde con sus donaciones este programa se  hace posible.el todo poderoso  siempre se lo agradecera,.

Donations Happily  Accepted


  Nuestro programa annual  de feria de la salud   Salva vida!!

Hora:  8am-3pm.

Gratis/ Libre de costo.


Programa general


  • Exámenes Medicos Diversos-      Medical Screenings.
  • Mini Conferencias.  Mini conferences.
  • Talleres Diversos.  Workshop.
  • Amplio programa de entretenimiento para la familia – extensive program of cultural entertainment for the whole family.
  • Muevete USA!!  Vs  Overweight & Obesity Prevention.
  • Depression screening.
  • Dramatizaciones diversas en educacion para la Salud / Dramatizations in Education for Health
  • Presentacion de Videos educativos sobre en prevencion de Salud/ Presentation of educational videos on Health in prevention
  • Exhibicion de Pinturas.  Exhibition of Paintings.
  • Ventas de Libros. Books fair.

Why  support this Community  Health Fair?


Be part of this great event which has treated more than 22,000 patients. He has performance  more than 9 0,000 medical tests. Share with more than 1,500 attendees at this event. Great opportunity to provide preventive health services.

Great opportunity to promote foundations, Community organizations , who work with the health promote, it is also a great opportunity to  publicize their products with their donations …

Save Lives!!      Health Fair with a Purpose…..   Your contribution plays a vital role in making The Health Fair’s programs possible


Date: Sunday , June ,26,  2016.

What: X V Annual Community Health Fair  “Decide to be Healthy”.



Lugar/ Place: Dr.Herbert Richardson Elementary School.

318 Stockton St.


Perth Amboy,  New Jersey 08861.

Free at Not  cost…


Sponsorchip Opportunties.


Health Fair with a Purpose…..



Dacanji :


Is hosting their annual


Community Health Fair.


Sunday June 26,2016.

Sponsored by:


Hispanic  Health Professionals Association inc NY.

Health Fair with a Purpose…..